+3 to Charisma

Company Quest

We believe in the power of fellowship and community.

We believe in honest pricing for quality, luxury gaming accessories.

We believe everyone should have the opportunity to have an epic gaming experience.

…Because everyone needs a Charisma Boost…

Who We Are

We at +3 to Charisma believe in one God and that He created us to have fellowship first and foremost with Him, but also with our fellow humans. That means developing quality relationships that are purposeful and are nurtured so they thrive and develop into communities that support, nourish, and grow each of the members within it. We know that social media is great, but there is nothing like hanging out with your friends and family playing games, watching movies, reading comics/books, or just talking. Even if you are an introvert, relationships and community are essential to feel connected and loved.

Relationships with God and with others in our community give us hope, give us purpose. That’s what we here at +3 to Charisma want to encourage with you. Develop your relationships. Grow your Community. And if you are seeking a personal relationship with Jesus Christ, let us know. Because He is the ultimate relationship.

+3 to Charisma is a christian-owned, nerdy, lifestyle company operated by a geeky woman and her gamer guy who love quality, handcrafted luxury jewelry, tabletop gaming accessories, 3D printed products, original artwork, and other fun accoutrements. Designed to help you better express your love for the nerd, geek, science, gamer, and general fandom communities, our products are designed to up your charisma stats in both your personal and play life.

Community Giving

+3 to Charisma is committed to supporting relationship-building and community development through gaming, school gaming clubs, and college-level missions programs. Playing games encourages artistic creativity, language and writing skills, group problem solving, social skills, heightened spiritual awareness, and interest in technology. Students involved in gaming also have increased math and science test scores. There are multiple professional research papers as well as general lay papers that provide strong evidence that those that participate in gaming are healthier and more mentally focused than those that do not actively participate.

Currently, +3 to Charisma donates 10% of every purchase to support bible-based missions programs. We are actively seeking to partner with local schools to provide supplies to gaming clubs.

If you are interested in collaborating with us to assist with education through gaming, please contact us at annah@plus3tocharisma.com.